On Sunday, May 22, the second annual Russian Festival will take place on the campus of University High School in Carmel. The Festival is organized by the volunteers of the Russian School of Indiana to raise funds for the school’s programs and activities.
The Russian School of Indiana – a Sunday enrichment program – started in the summer of 1993 literally under a tree in an Indianapolis apartment complex. The new immigrants from Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and other former Soviet Union republics were concerned with the rapid deterioration of connections to their children. The kids were learning English and losing their Russian at an alarming speed, so they decided to formally teach them the Russian language and culture.
Now more than 20 years later, these same children, who are parents now, are trying to help their own offspring to preserve their heritage and culture. Parents, grandparents and children organized a Russian Festival to celebrate their heritage, culture and traditions of people from the former Soviet Union. The first Festival took place last year and attracted around 1,500 visitors.
The festival program is intense and multifaceted. First, there is a fantastic array of native dishes: stuffed cabbage, borsht, pel’meni (Russian style dumplings), cutlets, blinis with different feelings, Russian potato salad, beet salads, the array of different pirozhkis (variety of sweet and savory pastries) and Russian style desserts, just to name a few.
The entertainment includes:
• St. Nicolas Balalaika Ensemble from Canton, Ohio
• Indiana Ballet Conservatory
• Ballet Theatre of Indiana
• Russian folk songs and romances performed by Yana Weinstein, Ukrainian-born mezzo soprano who is pursuing a doctoral degree in Voice at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
• Folk Dance group Kabluchok from Cincinnati, Ohio, will perform Russian, Ukrainian, Kozaks and other dances.
• Performance by students from Rhythmic Gymnastics of Indiana, led by Julia Workman
• Russian Folk Choir
• Piano recitals of the music by Russian composers
• Songs, dances and instrumental performances by the students of the Russian School of Indiana
In addition, several artists of Russian descent will be showcasing and selling their paintings and crafts.
The Festival would also offer a selection of different workshops, including:
• Tea and Canvas with a Russian theme
• Write Your Name in Russian
• Paint the Nested Doll
• Chess
• Checkers
• Cookie Decoration and more
In addition, visitors will enjoy several documentaries about Russia and a Russian movie with English subtitles.
Admission is free.
Place: University High School,
2425 W. 116th Street, Carmel
Time: 12 noon to 7 p.m.
To learn more, please contact:
Natalia Rekhter, Russian School Exec. Director, 317-399-4685, indyrussianschool@gmail.com
The post Russian Festival appeared first on TownePost Network.